Masthead and Table of Contents
Language Revitalization and Historical Trauma: A Historical Analysis of the Chickasaw and Chikashshanompa’
Margaret Goodin
Colorism and Its Correlation with Implicit Racial Stereotyping: An Experimental Action Research Study
Calla Reed
National Football League Concussions from 2009 – 2015: A Secondary Data Analysis
Ethan Kelly
Examining Portrayals of Female Protagonists by Female Screenwriters Using Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis
Brooke Shapiro
Immune Cell Responses to Amyloid-Beta Proteins: What is the Extent and Implications of Amyloid-Beta Induced Cytotoxicity in Microglial Cells and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells?
Annie Cao
My Teacher, My Peers, or Myself?
Hollyn Saliga
Determining Stress Management Activities for Various Myers-Briggs Personality Types
Jensen Ghidella
Operative Utilization of Agricultural Wastes for Amending Pyrolysed Carbonaceous Feedstock, or Biochar, in a Simulated Unindustrialized Agricultural Setting
Palmer Short
An Evaluation of Mental Health Stigma Perpetuated by Horror Video Gaming
Elizabeth G. Dickens
Is Oklahoma’s State-Mandated Minimum Teacher Salary Sufficient? Evidence from 90 Oklahoma Districts
Lia Martin
An Investigation into the Short Term Effects of Music Therapy for Patients with Probable Alzheimer’s Disease or Another form of Dementia
Owen Clute
Computer Simulation of Genetically Modified Aedes aegypti Release Methods
Gregory Schwartz
Motivation in Pursuing Advanced Degrees in STEM Fields Among Domestic and International Students
Pranshu Adhikari
Copy Number Variation in Salivary Amylase: A Participant-Based Study on Genetic Variation
Elizabeth Phillips
Twelve Shades of Green: Contrasting the Environmental Effectiveness of Power Generation Methods in 12 Developed Countries through the Lens of the Electric Vehicle
William Deo
Comparing Traditional AP Classes to Portfolio AP Classes in Effectiveness of Measuring Knowledge
Leanne Olona
Contributors, Editorial and Advisor Biographies, and Submission Guidelines